Pretty Be Moroccan Soap Brightening Body Wash With Natural Olive Oil Extracts, 1000ml
Pretty Be MORROCAN SOAP Brightening Body Wash with Olive Extracts. Deeply Cleanses, Removes ACNE, DARK SPOTS, Evens the skin tone & Has Sweet Scent PRETTY BE MOROCCAN SOAP Brightening Body wash with Olive Oil moisturizes and restore hydration, removes dead skin cells, deeply cleanses and removes excess grease & impurities tha accumulate in the pores and body acne, Brightens dark spots and evens the skin tone
- Deeply cleanses
- Removes excess dirt & grease
- Moisturizes & restores Hydration
- Opens clogged pores
- Evens the skin tone
- Removes dead skin cells
- Even tones the body